Monday, August 16, 2010

A funny thing happened today...

...I actually hit pan on an eyeshadow! I know this may seem like a small and insignificant feat for most, but for me this is a pretty big deal. I cannot recall the last time I hit pan on anything (though I suspect it may have been Laura Mercier's Coffee Ground eyeshadow in 1996). I'm not being facetious either, guys. It's actually pretty sad that I remember that far back... but, I digress. Hitting pan on a product (any product!) was something I didn't think I'd ever do again. I have a makeup studio at home. Yes, my makeup has it's own room. That's how much of it I have. So, the fact that I love a single solitary item so much that I actually wore it down, speaks not only to my ability to love something monogamously (I'm a makeup-whore, folks! I don't commit to ANYTHING!) but also to the product in question. No doubt, by now you're at the very edge of your seat (just go along with it) wondering (No! Demanding to know!) what this shadow is... it's simple, it's lovely, it's universally flattering. It's MAC's All That Glitters... and, yes. It's that good!   xoxo

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